Saturday, March 20, 2010

Monica got stolin

Rudearse shi8theads if you make a photosop photo movie about my lovely doll mocer again im gonna smash you with a bottle of tomato sauce that i got from nica lady shelley at the hope centa. If you touch any of my beautiful taxi kids ill put some of monicas rudearse cake up your bumhole arsehole arse. dont read this im serious i found this blog about myselfg im gonna kill ya you stole my daughter kid napa.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My new cv

My name is Katherine. I am 44 years young. I live in karori west. I like being around children and helping childrean have fun. I am very wel mannered and have done a degree in computers studies. I did not pass as it was the tutors fault he said “ I was to good and I had to go to the advanced course this was not aceptable I wanted in the beginners class. But anway I am looking for some work because I need to support myself as a single mother. In the day time I play texas hold em on facebook and facebook people. I went to school until I was 16 I dropped out because I had a headache that made me not want to do my work. It was all the headaches fault because otherwise I would have gone to school. I have written a book but no one has read it because I cant edit properly but my friend george in Belgium who is very respectful has looked over it and said it was very good I want a job so I can afford broadband internet and new couches. Please take my c.v into consideration and consider me for the job. I resepect people lots and I am good at manging them I am espically good at computers even though I failed my course.

Yours truly,

Katherine Corliss

P.s I admire the Christian and I have sister who lives in a mansion, also my daughter gets 97% credits at her school, even though she is int he fat rudey bitches big teachers class anne grimiiz.

Friday, August 14, 2009

monicers rudearse cake

on monicer my daughters birthday i got her a nice book called harry potter 7 and it was really cheep because it was on sale at the weerhouse for 14.95 and seerer rapped it up with nice newzpaper rapping paaper then monicer got a mockcream cake that jeramy and seerer made but then there was a nice inquizitive cake on the doorstep that said happy birthday which loooked smart minded. moncier ate the cake in one go because it was moncier birthday so she is a princess and can do anything she wants , but later on monicer needed to go to the bathroom because she had a soor tummie so monicer took her harry potter book to read while she went poos. but then monicers poo was so strong that it went all ova the picture of harry potter and i was angry because i paid so much for that book , monicers poo was runny and very greasie and stained the floor and her underweer plus monicer has got much fatter sinc her birthday and more lazy because now i have to pick her up at the bus in the honda but seerer dosent want to because she is a special girl. but rude arse shit heads keep followingher home im gonna kill ya if y0ou follow my daughter

Friday, July 24, 2009

its all searers classmates fealt

excuse me rudearse you poo arse searer doesnt need your shit iwht your shared lunch i dont need your chinese food it made searer sick and have diarea so get that sushi stuff away from my dauhgter chinese muck i dont need you in my life and neighter does seerer i dont want to see ytou poo faced arse h\whole i dont need you and neither does monicaer that sushi made searer go pooz runny and make the toilet smell and jeramy didnt want to have a bath and monica had to go pissed outside and im not lying ... so chinese muck get away we're celebrating that i dont have rude peop[le in my life , gaybo , gaybo from me and my daughter seerer .

Thursday, July 23, 2009

monicer cats

Today, my cat came up to me and started purring and rubbing against my leg. I reached down to pet her but she ran to the kitchen pantry and looked at me expectantly. Where we keep the cat treats. I felt used

okay listen up

im sick of this rudears shit so im gona have my rel life story so get a grip and listen up. 2oday I killed a huge bug and flushed it down the toilet About five minutes later I really had to go to the bathroom but I used the one all the way downstairs becase I was afraid that the bug would come back up and attack me but this isnt funny because i dont have a toilet downstairs i have my botiful wite toyota so dont laugh at me copycat. next story is shitheats Toda I spent 18 hours playing The Sims 2 mi Sim self threw a party and made out with one of the guests. I was very proud of her her names monicer now goodbye serah needds a raro befire bed

i dont need your lazertag bullshit arsehole , kiss my arsehole

i dont need rude arse gaybos to come round to my house and ask if monicer wants to go to a party me and monicer are happy and dont need rude people in our lifes. monicer is happy at home drawing cats and watching new moovies like tranzformas which has good speshial adffects which get our hole family excited about when i go to the video store and get the video but when i went last time the rudearse shit head charged me for the land befour time a video searer got out but i returned it but they said i didnt but i said they did so theyre just sly. also there was something on the front of my house which had some nice things but like expensive coffee that im storing under the house so that if i need money or run out of benefit money i can sell it on trade me. the other sunday someone came nocking on my door i just ignored them since i was on the phone to george in beljum. and there was some more food on my step like some instant noodles that gave searer runny poo that skuirted on the toylet and the floor and some margarine but i searer nocked it over so i had to put it in the freezer to clean it. also i am so angry because someone keeps calling me asking if monicer wants to go to lazer tag but i said no so why dont they stop